Interested in helping make SmarterMarks better? Please contact us at with the following information:
It looks like you've been away for a while.
Click "Log in" to open a login window in another tab. Once you have logged in, you will be able to return to this tab to continue where you left off. Click "Cancel" to end your session.
A password has not been set for this account. This may happen, for example, if:
Click "Set password" below to have instructions sent to your email, including a link you can use to create a password.
Your account is set to sign in through your school board. Click "Continue" to be forwarded to their authentication page — you will be redirected back to SmarterMarks when that is completed.
Before we send you off, we would like to collect a security email address for your account. This email will be used only to verify your account if you are unable to use single sign-in in the future. Your security email could be a personal email address, or any other email you will always have access to.
To skip adding a security email, uncheck the box below before clicking "Continue".